10 Best ways to lose weight fast

Losing weight is the most difficult thing that you have ever tried for. However, you can get it easy if you find the right tricks for right work. Read below.  You will get 10 best ways to lose weight fast in this article. The ways are:

  1. Walk 45 minutes in a day

To lose weight   fast there is no other better alternative to walking. It will burn your calories and helps your body to lose weight without letting you know. Walk minimum 45 minutes in a day. However, there is common tendency that walking 30 minutes in a day s perfectly enough to bun calories. The worst fact of walking 30 minutes in a day is it will help you to keep fit.  To lose weight fast walk minimum 45 minutes in a day.

  • Say ‘No’ to prepared food

Do not buy any prepared food for any of your meal. It includes sugar, fructose, corn syrup what make you to gain weight fast. You can eat fresh fruits or salads instead of those; it will be healthy and will not let your body to get fat. This can be the best option for you to lose weight fast  when you do not like cooking after a hectic day.

  • Recite a mantra always

‘Yes, I can. I can lose my weight.’  Or ‘ I can stop myself eating  pastry after eating my dinner.’ ‘ I am good in walking and none can defeat me in being successful in my weight lose journey when I chose walking .’ Keep on reciting these mantra in your mind. This self-fulfilling prophecy will work  surely. You can do the same to keep yourself away from fast food.

  • Get sticky with water after breakfast

After breakfast get sticky with water to lose weight fast. But start your day with a glass of fresh juice, especially orange, water melon. It will make you energetic whole day. After that just keep on drinking water before every meal. It will fill your stomach and prevent your stomach to overeating. Moreover, water is the great way to metabolism what  works as a magic in your weight loss journey.

  • Divide your meal into three sections

Another best ways to lose weight fast is divide your meal into three sections. One less meal in a day can save your 100 calories a day. It will help you to lose 2 pounds within couple of weeks.

  •  Watch less TV and lose weight fast

 In a study it is shown that those who watch TV more than others in a day are most likely to gain weight fast.  It says when we watch TV we do almost nothing  except sitting idle and watching TV, what  does not allow our body to burn calorie  as a result we become fatter. So sacrifice at least one program in a day to lose weight fast, you better can go for walk or even sleeping too.

  • Keep a record of your weight lose journey

When you are in weight lose journey, remember to keep record of your success. It will encourage you to move further. Besides this you can also keep up a record of  the foods that you are taking in a day. It will make you aware what amount of calorie you take in a day. In future , it will help you to get a grip over your food.

  • Sit in front of mirror when taking food

 To lose weight fast you can try out this trick. It will make you aware how much food you are consuming in your each meal. So see yourself more in the mirror and lose weight fast more than your expectation.

  • Sniff a fruit when you are hungry

Sniff a fruit like a banana, apple or peppermint, it will fill your stomach and stops you from overeating though you want to. Moreover, it will make you health better through providing a better nutrition.

  1. Eat vegetables

To lose weight fast nothing can work much better than this trick can. Eat more vegetables and  lose  more weight.  Eating vegetables have tremendous health benefit besides losing weight especially fibre oriented.  Grabbing a diet plan on vegetables for a week may lose more than 3 pounds in a week.  To get more benefits of the best ways to lose weight fast , keep walking in the list for 45 minutes. You will be encouraged when  you track the record after a successful weight loss week.

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